Months of planning, followed by beauracracy with the military, followed by some packing, job searching, house searching, and we made our 1120 mile drive, with our new pup Lola in tow, to the homeland....Navarre or bust, here we are.
While it still feels like a vacation here in FL, we are feeling at home and we couldn't be happier. The house hunt? Still on. The job search? Still on, even though I have the pleasure of returning to the original studio where my yoga journey began and teach along side Lyissa-the woman who hooked me on vinyasa and brought harmony to my life back when Chris first deployed to Iraq years ago. Yoga became my balance, my harmony, my release. And 5 years later, I have the awesome opprotunity of instructing alongside her. Life is good.
Our pups are the coolest-but i'm a bit biased. I love having two dogs to share adventures, runs and beach trips with. They are the coolest sisters to watch- they really do like each other! They play together, swim together, bicker together and in general just have an awesome time together. In the evening it's not uncommon to find Lola curled right up close to Lola chewing on her bone mimicking whatever her big sister is doing. It's funny how in a house full of dogs she figured out which one would be coming home with us when we found a home of our own.
So 4 months later almost after my last post I am making a vow to write more about LIFE. It is easy for me to get caught up in writing soley about 'business'-i.e. fitness, health and all things related. I have a hard time sitting down to the keyboard and just recanting my days and while sittting in front of a shelf of paper journals on a much needed trip to one of my favorite places on earth (Barnes and Nobles) I decided to be REALLY green and just use my blog that I started so long ago to tell the story of my day to day living. And so it begins-a weekly commitment to documenting in words and pictures our adventures in Florida...and beyond......