
The Reveal!!

Week 22-

One of the weeks that Chris and I have been anticipating since we found out that we were expecting...what the heck will he/she be???  I looked back on my previous posts about all the intuitions I was having.  At first a boy because of the nausea of the first trimester that had me eating every 4 hours just to keep my stomach happy, and then there was the intial glow of the second trimester where I saw clear skies and a return to my normal self.  I pondered if this was in turn a sign and then just began to follow my gut as I became more and more certain that it would be a girl.  The first being to references that I had made in earlier posts but had not really elaborated on.  My cravings for fall.  I have always been tremendously attached since childhood to this season and it was to no surprise that I began to crave some of my favorite things that remind me of that time of year; cinnamon, apples, nutmeg, squash and visions of blustery days and cups of chai by the fire.  I just keep having these 'feelings' and they were truthfully becoming stronger the closer we got to finding out just exactly what we were going to be blessed with.
Truth be told, I think Chris and I both really just wanted a healthy, happy baby!  We may have had our wishes at one point in time but when it came down to it, we really weren't pulling either direction.  Right before we left for the reveal party Chris asked me why I thought he was wearing a yellow shirt.
"Because it's neutral!"
"Nope!" he said.
"Because it's more of a boy color??"
"Guess again," he said. " I am thinking that it is going to be a girl for sure."
I was shocked! All along I thought that he was wishing boy and while he talked about it ( I think all men truthfully want a little guy to pal around with :-) his true intuition was that it would be a 'she' all along!
The pictures of the moments captured at the reveal party say it all, the expressions on our faces and the thrill that we had when we could finally know what our little one was going to be!! 

 ~The spread was absolutely AH-MAZING: veggies and a delish spicy dip, mini spinach and ham quiches, brushetta, spinach and artichoke dip, a fantastic papaya/honeydew cocktail and of course.......

 ~The CAKE!!!  Seriously LOVE the cake!~

 ~The mastermind behind the 'reveal'~Love her with all my heart!~

 ~fur nephew and niece, Slater and Miss Molly :-)~

And FINALLY...after we ate, and talked, received awesome parenting advice from those near and dear, and ate some more, we couldn't help but finally get to the good part...THE REVEAL!  We had Chris's parents skyped in so that they would be there in spirit~it was wondeful that they got to enjoy the moment with us~

So without further adieu.................

 ~The 'moment' when we knew....~
~'It's PINK, very, very PINK!!'  Chris exclaimed....

~Autumn Rose it is! And we absolutely couldn't be happier!!~ 

 ~'Her first loofah!' I exclaimed!  Chris thought it was hilarious obviously! :-)

 ~Chris being his wonderfully awesome and crazy self~they're the cutest! (The towel and Chris!)~

 ~The growing bump!~

 ~My rock and soon-to-be sensational dad~
 ~The girls (+ Lisa because we didn't get a group picture when Cory's parents were there! )

 ~The papaya in the bottom of the arrangement is how big Autumn is this week!~

~SURPRISE!!  It's a GIRL!!!!~

Thank you SO much Lauren and Mama for what was an amazing experience as tough as it was waiting for 24 hours until we knew! hehe!  The party was a total hit, Chris and I were all smiles and it was something so incredibly special~ We can't wait to share with little Autumn what her Aunt (and Grandma) did to reveal her to the world! :-)

We can't wait to meet you little Autumn Rose~ we can only imagine the spice you're going to add to our already amazing lives together.  We hope you're ready to learn lots, have unexpected adventures to crazy places, and ready to make this world your oyster! 

Love always,
~Mom and Dad


Training for Two: Yoga and Pregnancy

Week 21-

As week 20 ended and week 21 began, I felt what many books/articles have already warned me: leg cramps may begin.  And begin they did.  I have a mild-case of restless leg syndrome (self-diagnosed :-) and am constantly, when I wasn't pregnant, needing to wiggle or move because I have the hardest time sitting still!  In these past few weeks I have noticed the desire to run/walk longer and farther, more yoga throughout the day and anything that I can do to get my circulation going.  I'm hoping that these symptoms, combined with my already poor circulation aren't a recipe for a ton of swelling in the later months of my pregnancy.   I will do whatever it takes to fit my feet into my winter boots that I have been dying to wear all summer even if I have to move 10 miles a day. :-)

As a yoga teacher certified in pre-natal yoga, I have studied and personally seen the impact that yoga has had on women in pregnancy.  Not only does their practice provide them quiet time to really put the focus inward, but a traditional pre-natal class is geared towards incorporating poses that are safe for mama and baby and that ultimately will help in the birthing process.  Take for example:

1.) cat-cow:  Since full spinal twists are off limits in starting in the late first/second trimester of pregnancy (too much of a risk of tearing the uterine wall) the concave, convex movement of the spine is wonderful relief to moms in their first/second trimester who are experiencing back pain due to increase in breast size! (oh, the joys of pregnancy)  For moms entering into their third trimester and getting closer to birth, the rocking of the pelvis helps to get baby turned into that head down position ready to enter the world.

2.) Prayer squat:  I teach this as part of an opening flow to my pre-natal students (and now in my self-practice) but it is incredibly beneficial in prepping the pelvis and opening the hips during pregnancy and ultimately for birth. Many moms who choose a natural birth swear by practicing the prayer squat in pregnancy as that is ultimately the position they ended up in when they delivered

3.) Pigeon pose: An incredible hip opener that was a fave among my prenatal students.  Many women are blessed with the hormone relaxin early on in their pregnancy (a hormone that a woman creates which helps to open the hips.)  I on the other hand, am still waiting for the gift and therefore struggle with tight runners/bikers hips.  Hopefully the hormone will come soon but until then I use a variety of hip openers to focus on the area.

4.) The breath:  No it's not a pose but it is the foundation of any yoga practice no matter what style you practice.  With vinyasa, the style that I teach and practice, it is especially important as you pair your flow with your inhales/exhales.  The breath is even more critical than ever when a woman is bringing a life into this world as it will take a lot of breath to do so!  The more that a woman can use the breath to calm the body and go inward, the more control she has over her body when the labor pains begin to take over.  Lets just say the breath helps you go to your happy place much more easily!  I'm hoping for just that!

I am passionate about the benefits of yoga and being pregnant has only renewed that belief for me.  My hopes are that my practice as a mom-to-be will make me stronger, more flexible and more grounded when that little one decides to make his grand arrival!

~Chris was in the field so back to the cell phone pics!~

~noticeable from the front? I think that's a yes. :-)~
Odds and Ends:
  • first cup of coffee consumed since pregnant!  A delicious Starbucks house blend with cinnamon..it only took me 4 hours and 3 warm ups later to down it but it was delicious!
  • Cravings: Greek yogurt, cinnamon, and tomatoes (thanks Jess for getting me hooked on the yogurt! ;)
  • Miles run: 11.2 (five of those with Chris trotting lovingly by my side..trooper he is)
  • Times still up at night to go pee: 4-5 average...its awful!
  • Days until K-State kickoff: 17!! 
  • Maternity purchases: 1 K-state preggo shirt-GO STATE!
  • Appointments upcoming: 1 this Thursday~ the BIG ultrasound!  We're stoked!


20 WEEKS! Mid-way through the journey...

I found it fitting to simply title this post what I've been thinking inside for the longest time-it's finally here!  The HALFWAY point!  I'm ecstatic and nervous all at the same time.  Excited for what the next 20 (hopefully less :-) weeks have to hold and nervous for the actual moment to be here when we're holding that little baby that we are completely responsible for caring for and nurturing it's dreams.

How I'm feeling:

I feel myself going into 'mommy mode' more easily now, nesting and caring about keeping the casa clean more which is nearly impossible with 3 dogs!  I am definitely more in preparation mode as well, thinking how fast the next four months will fly by and all that we will have to do.  I have already begun to think of time that I will be taking off work, setting up childcare for when I return to work, budgeting for the new addition and just overall mentally preparing for the drastic (but positive!) change our lives are about to take!

Exercising for two:

This week I could tell I was more in mommy mode because although I love my runs out by myself, I couldn't resist the excitement the pups get when I put on my gear.  This week were at the dog park with mom and her two pups, Sadie and Sassy (her current foster pup).  It was a blast watching them frolic and play as always even if the heat was unforgiving and the water a lovely bathwater temperature! Yuck!  Then it was out to the trails with the 3 pack catching a  quick run before the storms lashed out on us (I learned my lesson from last time).  Unfortunately, Chris is unable to escape the downpours being out in the field this week but hopefully he's staying dry out there somewhat!

Yoga has felt exceptionally good this week and I think the timing is perfect as I'm warned this week is accompanied by noticeable leg cramps.  I have had the urge to stretch, walk and move more in general which I am not complaining about at all!  An evening walk after a movie with mom was the epitome of a perfect end to the day.  Pregnancy has taught me to appreciate walking more even though I'm anxious to be back to running at full speed! 

Grow Baby, Grow!
How is Baby Premo measuring up these days? He's the size of a whopping cantaloupe!  Well, not really.  Fullness wise, he's measuring in at approx. 10 oz. (wow!), so not quite the 2-3 lbs. that a cantaloupe measures in at.  But crown to rump?  Yep, he's the height of a cantaloupe! Baby Premo is now able to gulp down several ounces of amniotic fluid a day making my food selections all the more important because he can actually taste more as well!  Taste buds are fully functioning and something that I feel I've noticed!  There has been extra movement when I have consumed Greek yogurt or cinnamon lately-a sign that he really digs the stuff or really doesn't like it. :)  I guess I will only be able to tell when those taste buds actually start consuming solids months from now!

Working together....

Chris and I embarked on what every couple that will be new parents looks forward to the entire pregnancy (besides the baby of course!): assembling the bambino's place of rest!  It was quite surprisingly a simple and very bonding experience.  We had been eyeing this crib for sometime and thought it would be just perfect.  I made especially sure that the wood was durable and at least somewhat eco-friendly.  We wanted something sturdy and classic that would last.  Not only will the little one be resting in this crib as an infant, but the convertible rails allow it to used as a toddler and then finally, as a big kid bed when the crib front and backs become a headboard and footboard and the changing board detaches to become a dresser.  It is an investment that I feel we won't regret. 

 ~hard at work!~

 ~Loving on Lola..I swear if she had thumbs she would help with everything!~

 ~she's going to be in such competition for attention when the little one arrives ;-)~

 ~hmm...what next?~

 ~making serious progress~

 ~the pups behind bars~

 ~completion at last!~

~Chris was so proud!~
~Toga was already asleep at this point but these two wanted to be in the middle of everything!~ 

Something that has been fairly easy for both Chris and I to do is think smartly about our purchases for the baby.  We don't want to go crazy and be excessive in the first year.  Ultimately we want things to last as long as possible and be as functional as they can be performing double, even triple duty if possible!  In the long run I know we'll thank ourselves for not letting big chunks of cash be spent on things we will only use for several months. Heck, we have PLENTY to pay for in the future and I know those days will come quicker than we think!


Almost midway!

Week 19-

One more week until the milestone of 20 weeks~halfway through!~ and I am completely ready to hit that mark!  This week wasn't short on happenings around the Premo residents that's for sure (this post might get rather lengthy so I apologize in advance!).  From bottling Chris and Andy's first batch of beer to assembling the gorgeous crib (finally!) we were busy but loving the time spent in our humble abode.

How big is Baby Premo?
The little one has grown into the size of a mango!

He's measuring at about 6 inches long and weighing in an approx. a whooping 8.5 oz!  Grow baby grow!  He's busy working on developing those 5 senses ~smelling, touching, tasting, seeing and hearing.  All in a days work, right?

~Post yoga! Still teaching and going strong....~
The First Movement

I felt that this deserves almost as much of a gold star as reaching the middle of my pregnancy next week~I felt a kick! A real live twist, or turn from the little one and it was shocking at first.  I am one that has always been very in tune with my body, being able to self-diagnose myself in terms of what's going on and what each ache and pain might be.  For the longest time I have been focused in on the gurgles and bubbles in my stomach (which usually turned out to be hunger) :-) but FINALLY it was real.  Many moms say it will feel like butterflies and I can 100% agree.  Chris and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie after a long Friday and I felt it.  A little flutter and then another, and another and although subtle, still powerful enough for Chris to put his hand on my stomach and feel it!  It was a remarkable moment for the both of us I think because it was another time when we hit the 'reality' button and it made all of this seem that much more real.  On and off since Friday I have felt a little kick, twist and turn here and there and then yesterday morning he must have really liked my breakfast of cinnamon toast with pb & J (the quickest thing I could grab on the way to work!) because he was moving like crazy!  Chris made the best comment I think..'backflips for breakfast!'  That's  about right because that's exactly what it felt like!

With the newest temporary addition to our family, Jack, being part of the pup clan, I have been hitting the trails more with them for my run/treks.  Monday morning we were up bright and early with dad (off to work he went) and on the trail we all went and they had an absolute blast.  It feels good to get out there early before the morning heat really sets in.  Even in fighting the spiderwebs I thought to myself: " Spiderwebs on the trail in the morning are a good thing.  It means you're the first one out there to hit the ground running!"

Running and Pregnancy

I have been missing my partner in crime out on my runs with me, it has felt like forever since we enjoyed one of our favorite pastimes together so, what does Chris do to make a pregnant girl feel good about her running pace?  Strap on his 45 lb ruck and hit the dirt road with me, fully prepared to now take it down a notch to keep stride with my pregnant pace. :-)  While the lightening storm caught us off guard ( we were naive to think that it would just rain on us in FL) we had a good couple of miles together with Lola and Jack returning back to our pad completely drenched but thankful to make it out of that storm.  Next time we reminded ourselves that no run is worth risking getting struck by lightening and we wouldn't let our motivation get the best of us.

Bottling the Brewski

Chris and Andy were so proud to brew their first beer.  It was a labor of love that took about a day to prep, and then a month to ferment before it was ready to make it's way into the recycled bottles that they had been gathering (which equaled buying 6 packs and consuming the beer in order to recycle them for brewing :-) great concept, right?)  Unfortunately, Chris was missing his other half when the bottling process needed to be done.  So, I stepped up to the plate and assisted in the bottling.  It was actually pretty cool to watch all their hard work finally get to the good part!  Similar to making the jam, it's awesome to be able to create something homemade with your own two hands.  I'll let the pictures of the process do most of the explaining!

 ~the 'I'm really doing this!" face
 ~siphoning the brew into the bottling bucket~

 ~filling the first bottle in the collection!~


 ~giving it the seal~

 ~no leaks =GOOD!~

 ~the 'I am the man' face!~
 ~first taste...mmm...~

 ~lots of Sam Adams was consumed by Chris and Andy to make this bottling possible!~

~ I think they need a personalized bottle cap, what do you think?~

It was a bonding experience to say the least and awesome to see the results.  Next post: from bottling to assembling the crib!  Fitting right?!