It really is remarkable watching Autumn's developments week-by-week. I know we're new parents and every little move she makes truly astounds us, but she is already growing so fast! It seems as if we have blinked our eyes and she's already practically sitting up on her own in her Bumbo chair and gripping things like she's superwoman.
We have yet to have Autumn on a specific routine and it seems to be working for us. She does typically eat every two hours as of right now but her sleep is fairly sporadic. Her personality is blossoming and in order to keep up with her visual and tactile demands, we make sure that she gets plenty of activity and play time throughout the day! She is completely thriving and we couldn't be more proud. She is rolling over, standing up with assistance of course and she is still rocking her tummy time. Most days she loves it. She can practically turn her head completely around at the moment, taking in all that she can in this big world. Every sight and sound is still so incredibly new to her and watching her take it all in is something that Chris and I spend the majority of our 'newborn filled' days doing. Just watching her in amazement and awe has become one of our favorite pastimes.
Last Friday we celebrated Chris's 27th birthday! We kept it low key and ended up going out to eat to Gugliamos (which was a feat in and of itself with a 5 week old!) and finished with cake at my sisters house. The whole evening was a surprise for him (or at least an attempt at me to surprise him which is incredibly hard to do) and even more of a surprise when he opened up his gift from all of us, a new handheld drill! Chris had been eyeing Andy's for some time and anxious to get one of his own to work on all the 1,000 or so household projects that we have on our plate. They had been put on hold with the addition of miss Autumn to our family, but day-by-day Chris has found time to accomplish small projects here and there. He is a multi-tasking master and some days I envy all that he seems to get done. This was his first birthday celebrated as a father and I would say that fatherhood completely suits him what do you think?!
~here comes the airplane Chris! (pretty soon we'll be feeding Autumn like this!)~
~Mama sneaking in some baby love!~
My multi-tasking abilities on the other hand are something to be desired but I am working on catching up to Chris! It is all I can do some days just to make sure I have had 3 meals and taken a shower, but I know that 'this too shall pass' as my mom so lovingly reminds me constantly. While it is frustrating for two adventurers to slow their life down, take things one day at a time, and have more patience than has ever been required of us, we are reminded each and every day when we hold little Autumn that every second is worth it. We cherish even those moments that we are completely exhausted, holding her snug in our arms, because we know those moments are fleeting and will be gone far too soon. With every blink of our eyes she is growing and becoming even more amazing than the day before.
Sunday besides being my love's birthday, the power decided to go out on our block. Quite the shock to both Chris and I as I woke up to feed Autumn at 4am and then put her back to bed to a flickering nightlight and the eerie playing of the white noise that soothes her to sleep. Needless to say I was a bit terrified and called for Chris right away. He promptly went into 'fireman' mode, gathering wood by headlamp outside and building us a glowing fire. We spent the morning playing cards, cuddling with Autumn and just enjoying spending time as a family fireside. It is amazing how the simple things feel so good.
That afternoon the ladies at the yoga studio had a Meet-N-Greet for Autumn and I must say it was so wonderful to see all the fellow instructors that I had not seen in months! My mom and Lauren joined as well and anytime I get to spend with them lately I cherish. They adore seeing their grand-daughter and niece! The time spent at the studio was lovely and I can't thank the ladies enough for welcoming Autumn the way they did. She was so content being passed off to each one of them that I knew she was definitely feeling the positive yoga energy that was present.
One thing that was so special was a 'good wishes' box that they created. Each person wrote on a rock one wish that they had for Autumn. We passed around the box as each person recited their wish that they had for her and dropped their rock into the box. It is a treasure box that Autumn, Chris and I will truly cherish and I can't wait until she is old enough to understand just how precious each one of those wishes are for her. It is so important to Chris and I that she is surrounded by love and positivity and that she always dreams big. Her wish box will serve as a constant reminder of all of those things that she should hold near and dear to her heart. Thanks again ladies for such a wonderful afternoon full of good vibes and positive energy!
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