I decided to change it up a bit this week as I have been analyzing/reflecting on the last 8 months of pregnancy. I figured as I am getting closer to my due date that I would try to reflect as best as I could on the last 8 months and what I have enjoyed/not enjoyed about being pregnant (I am fully aware that this list may change in one month, particularly under the category ‘Things I won’t miss about being pregnant’. I continue to have the theory that every pregnancy is different and what I may love about pregnancy others may not enjoy and vice versa. Still, I want to be able to remember the good with the bad and have some things to reflect on when I am no longer staring at the beach ball that is currently my belly!
5 things I love about being pregnant:
· Having Autumn with me every day, everywhere I go.
o I have heard some mom’s say that this is what you will miss most about being pregnant, especially working moms who leave their little ones after the first few months. Knowing that I will be in that boat myself, I can imagine I will be going through withdraws. Especially being able to just sit at work, and watch her kick and twist and turn. She definitely keeps me company.
· The bella-band.
o One of the greatest pregnancy inventions ever. I wish I could wear it especially after going out to eat after a big meal~ lets face it, it’s much more acceptable than just unbuttoning the top button.
· Not feeling bloated.
o There is no uncomfortable ‘I need to unbutton the top button of my pants’ feeling after a big meal because, it’s a wonderful feeling.
· Autumn’s hiccups.
o Yes, I will miss them. No matter where I am, no matter what time of day they always make me smile.
· Eating extra calories
o I’m a foodie at heart, what can I say. So any excuse to dial up the number of mini-meals I can eat in a day
5 things I won’t miss about being pregnant:
· The dogs being completely oblivious to my belly.
o Some people are blessed that there dogs begin to have a curiosity and a exercise more caution because they just ‘know’ something is up. While Lola has been an incredible guard dog when I was able to take her out on walks, other than that awareness, they continue to want to play/roughhouse with me like my pre-pregnancy days-it’s a constant battle to try to train them that things are just…different…right now.
· Not being able to wrestle with the crazy pups.
o I miss being able to get down on the floor and roughhouse with them, it’s good bonding time and I know right now they probably think I have just gotten boring and not as interested in them. If only they could refer to my answer above, they just don’t get it at this point, but once she arrives, I hope they’re able to become acclimated to her and be super gentle with her, just a few gentle licks here and there is what I fully expect. We’ll see how the introductions go!
· Sleeping on my sides.
o While I am surprised at how quickly I adapted I cannot WAIT to sleep on my stomach again.
· Sneezing.
o While I don’t have the urge to run immediately to the restroom like some women do, I do get some incredibly fierce side-stitches that hang around for 5-10 minutes. I’m guessing because of the extra pressure down there and the force of the sneeze just sends my abdominal muscles into a crazy spasm!
· Crazy joint pain.
o It has only gotten worse in the last couple of weeks as I approach my due date. Knees, hips, you name it, they are ALL feeling the extra 26+ pounds lately.
I know I’ll look back on these and probably be amused. It’s amazing how well a woman’s body adapts to pregnancy but I am quickly realizing that the next few weeks may be the most uncomfortable of all. Through all the aches, pains and crazy adaptations my body has gone through, my sights are still set on her ‘birth’ day and no amount of discomfort will be able to replace the feelings that I know I will have on that day. I can’t wait to share her with the world and to start our family of ‘5’!
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