
Hello first trimester. Nice to meet you again.

35 Weeks-

While I thought that I had left the first trimester far behind me, especially nearing so closely to full term, I was proven wrong this week.  What I have read about in other blogs, articles,  and resources that are all-things-pregnancy and baby have been proven correct: symptoms of the first trimester DO and WILL come back when you near full term.   Not cool.  DEFINITELY not cool.

How I'm Feeling:

While not all symptoms that left me lethargic and completely unlike myself during the first trimester have waged their ugly head, I have definitely been more noticeably low on energy, nauseous and  just all around achy in my mid-section like I was back in April/May and June.  It seems so incredibly far away to think that far back as I can't believe that it is already almost her birth month.  'Wow,' we keep telling ourselves, 'She's almost here!'.  I have taken several of only a handful naps that I have taken during my pregnancy this week and let me just say they felt amazing.  They may have only lasted 45min-1 hr. but re-energized me and set me back up to to continue on with my day.  Braxton-Hicks contractions have gotten more fast and furious as of lately and have me up in the middle of the night more than my usual 4-5 times just to use the bathroom.  They have actually waken me up several times and thankfully, have all been false alarms.

Exercising and Pregnancy

The gym has quickly become my comfort zone for getting in a good workout since beating the pavement and trails have begun to wind down these past few weeks.  I have continued to focus more on exercises that will be beneficial in labor and a typical workout the past few weeks has looked something like this

  • Treadmill fast paced walk/light jog: 10 minutes
  • kettlebell swings, thrusters -(3 sets of 15, circuit style, resting 1 min. between each circuit)
  • shoulder circuit (lateral raises, frontal raises, shoulder press, butterfly)-( 3 sets of 15 circuit style)
  • incline push ups/dips (on a bench)- (3 sets of 12, circuit style)
  • good mornings/lunges-(3 sets of 15, circuit style)
  • tricep extension/lat pulldowns/row-(3 sets of 15, circuit style)
  • yoga/stretch 10 minutes
The squats and lunges are especially important during labor as they help the pelvis area widen for birth (TMI I know, but it's true!)  I continue to feel energized while I am working out and am just as motivated to get to the gym while I'm pregnant as I was when I wasn't, the major difference is that afterwards I literally feeling like crashing into a deep, deep sleep.  With labor on the near horizon, I can only imagine how drained I will feel after.  I am placing no expectations on myself at this point in time.

Grow, Autumn, Grow!

The size of a honeydew, or 4-5 lbs. give or take and about 18 inches long or so.  I have been informed by sources that my uterus has grown 1,000 times it's original size.  The belly is definitely showing that.  Both Chris and I just stare in awe sometimes when she goes on her little spurts of movement because while we may not see a precise foot or hand, we see lots and lots more definition of her showing through!  I feel as if the belly has at least grown several inches in the past week.  I laugh when I catch Chris off guard and he just goes 'whoa'..as I turn to face him..'it's getting so big'!  I kindly reply with 'yes, yes she is!' and then I will often take another look myself as sometimes I am still in awe at how much she has grown in there.   While she is almost complete in developing the majority of her physical movements, she'll continue to simply fatten up from here on out.  Again with the 'to-do' list still being completed, she can hang around for at least a couple more weeks in my opinion!

What's left of the 'To-Do' List

Sometimes I swear for every check-mark we make the list grows, but perhaps I'm just imagining.  Here's a snapshot of what we would like to accomplish before little Autumn Rose makes her debut:

  • Finish the nursery-curtains to hang, 0-3 month clothes washed/organized, diaper bag prepped, cloth diapers washed and prepped, floor mopped, ORGANIZE
  • Pack the hospital 'bags'- We learned in our Bradley birthing class that dad's need to be prepped for the hospital as well and often get forgotten! 
  • Deep clean entire house- I realize this is a bold statement.  But after every weekly cleaning the house I feel just needs that extra bit of TLC before she arrives.  I am hoping my nesting instinct kicks into overdrive in the next few weeks.  Chris has already been a huge help in getting things accomplished!
  • Decorate for the holidays- This is a no brainer but I felt it had to be on my list otherwise I literally might forget with all that is going on.  And that's not like me given that the holidays are absolutely my most favorite time of the year.  We are planning on a real tree yet again this year but we will see how that goes!
  • Re-do our floors- Torture ourselves with projects constantly?  Its what we do, it keeps us busy and keeps us on our toes! Ha!  If this doesn't get done before little Autumn arrives we're ok with that, it is something that we can do with her attached in a carrier keeping us company!
This and That:
  • Chris's grandparents have arrived!- They'll be here camped out in our backyard for several months enjoying the Florida 'winter' months.  They have already been a TREMENDOUS help to Chris and I tackling projects here and there that have been on our task list for months.  It has been wonderful having their company.
  • Appt's upcoming: 1, November 30-I am not sure that we'll get another ultrasound but after that appointment we will start going on a weekly basis until her arrival!
  • Days of work left: ? I really haven't determined yet if I want to take much maternity leave before her arrival or if I plan on working straight up until we have her.  I am trying to complete quite a few tasks ahead of time so that I will have minimal telecommuting to do in the first few weeks. 
  • Newest craving: cinnamon EVERYTHING- the smells of the holidays have kicked my cinnamon obsession into overdrive and it's pretty uncontrollable at this point.  Especially cinnamon rolls.  I have had to just 'walk away' several times!
  • Maternity pics this week!-  Our dear photographer Tiffany Vaughan gave us maternity photos/newborn photos as a gift and we are beyond thankful for her wanting to share her talents behind the lens with us.  I already have several ideas for the maternity photos but have a PLETHORA for the newborn ones.  Oh. My. Gosh.  Those ones will be the best!

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