
The Roller Coaster Ride that is the First Trimester- Part I

April 26th-the day that I knew something other than a ferocious sinus infection was taking over my body.  I was definitely 'off' feeling.  I am not one to usually get nauseous, not really on roller coaster rides or boats out to sea.   Yet that day, I felt like I was going to throw up literally every second of the day.  I felt this overwhelming urge to eat comfort foods.  Fast food, bread, cereal, anything that would curb this sensation that I needed to be hugging the porcelain 24/7.  My first craving, McDonald's fish sandwiches.  Anyone that knows me knows that ever since I read ‘Fast Food Nation’ I have an aversion to fast food.  It is something that I have only eaten since then very sparingly, usually when we are on  a roadtrip and are limited on options will I indulge in a greasy cheeseburger and a highly carbonated soda.  But that day, I needed a fish sandwich and it was the only thing in my mind that was going to save me.    This was so odd I kept thinking to myself.  The next day came and went and similar symptoms.  Another day of odd comfort food cravings ( such as a steak sandwich, weird) as well as the beginning of my food aversions.  Of course at this point, still thinking that it is because I have a sinus infection that my body is totally ‘off’, I really had no idea that I was having food ‘aversions’ and ‘cravings’ because I was incubating a little one inside of me.  I had begun a dosage of 24 hr. time release amoxicillin and I thought for sure it was the meds that were making me want to loose my mind ( and the strong overwhelming desire to upchuck my food).   

May 10th-The true test.  Literally.  I gave Chris a warning 2 days before that something was just ‘not right’ about how I was feeling and that I felt the strong desire to take a pregnancy test.  It was one of the hardest things I had to say to him in all of our 5 years of marriage.  I felt unsure of what his reaction would be, would he be upset? ecstatic? scared? Surprisingly he was supportive of me taking it I think with the impression that there is just no way that I could be pregnant.  I had been on birth control for far too long, even though I did have a slip up (our anniversary and birthday(s) climbing trip to Oklahoma was taken sans birth control as I had forgotten my refills on the counter.) But still, there was just no way that it was positive.  It was one of the most stressful things that I have ever done- take that test.  ( and I have taken a lot of tests in my day, school tests that is!)  The first test: positive. Wow, this is really happening I thought to myself.  I quickly showed Chris and he didn’t believe me.  “Take another one!” he said.  He just didn’t believe that the first one could be accurate.  At this point I didn’t think so either.  So I opened the next package and took the test.  Again, positive.   At this point I was in complete shock.  There is no way I thought. No way.  We had talked and talked and talked again and we were waiting.  We weren’t completely prepared and so we knew we needed some more time.  2 positive tests later though, and there was ‘no more time’.  It was real.  I was pregnant and that was now the reality.  Not the reality that we had just 5 minutes before where we had time to plan.  The planning had to begin now and we had to fully prepare ourselves for the steps to come.  Shock, awe, jaws dropping to the floor and a smile here and there.  That can best describe that first evening that we realized we would be parents and that just as we had talked about before, the rest of our lives would now be forever transformed.  We were expecting and that little one would continue growing whether we accepted it or not!!

~Week 10 Belly Shot! I have an inkling my flame tattoo will be a bonfire by the third trimester~here's to hoping it shrinks back to normal post-baby!~

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